Saturday, June 11, 2011

Contact Email

Also, is no longer a good email address (the one in the orange box on the left) so don't send messages there. Not sure how to change that though - Jeana Dee set up the blog and I can only post. So email me at or message or post to me on Facebook. - Jessica

Volunteers Needed Week of 6/13/11!

We are about 80% done with the mural at BCFI that we started last year. Brian Snyder and I have been talking about finding some times when a bunch of us can get out there together and crank out the finishing touches. Having some concentrated work will be cost-effective too, since we have to rent the wheels and boards for the scaffolding.

Here's what I have going next week. Anyone else able to come at any of these days/times? If so, email me at or post a comment at

Monday, 6/13, before 3pm
Tues, 6/15, after 5pm
Wed, 6/16 after 5pm
Fri, 6/17 after 5pm
Sat, 6/18 anytime
Sun, 6/19 anytime

It's going to be gorgeous once we get it all done!!!
